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Multi Level Card Counting Techniques

Players with a knack for math could enjoy great success from a multi level blackjack card counting technique. The Blackjack multi level card counting technique is not for beginners. While the more simple single level systems can benefit most, this more advanced technique takes a good head for math. Anyone thinking about learning a multi level card counting system is most likely already a skilled Blackjack player.

The multi level count

The first card counting system most players learn is a single level one like the Hi-Lo system. In this the cards 2 through 6 get the value of +1, face cards and tens through aces are worth -1 and the rest have the value of 0. By keeping track of what cards have been dealt through this count the player can assess whether he should raise his bet or not. The single level card counting technique is effective but it doesn't deliver much more then the count itself and many times opportunities are hard to spot.

To make better use of a card counting technique, the technique itself should be more advanced. This is the case with a multi level system. When using a multi level card counting system the player will have to keep track of more values than in the single techniques. This is why it is not suitable for the beginner or for players that spent math class trying to escape on a cloud.

A multi level card counting technique such as Wong Halves or the Zen Count appoints more values to the cards than the regular single level system. In an advanced card counting system cards can be valued +2 and -2 in addition to the traditional +1,-1 and 0. It is also common that a skilled player will keep an extra side count of specific cards at the same time as keeping track of the multi level card counting system. This is useful in situations where the best count for betting accuracy is different from the best count for playing accuracy.

Ken Uston developed a very complex system that included a level-three count with many side counts. He became world famous with his successful systems and he was also forever banned from the casinos. He was tried in court but it was made clear that card counting is not cheating. Still he had to wear disguises to get into a casino. This is a problem that players at this level of gaming still face. Casinos are private establishment and they have the right to select their clientele. A player that masters an advance multi level card counting technique might have to accept that he won't be the most popular guy in Las Vegas, at least not among the casino owners.

While the multi level card counting systems are indeed a proved way to succeed in Blackjack, they can also be to the player's disadvantage. When a player needs to play fast it can many times be a better idea to rely on an easier counting method than wasting too much time on calculating the more advanced count.

Emma Green