Online Blackjack 

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Online blackjack articles 1

Wonging It

A blackjack strategy developed by famed blackjack expert Stanford Wong has come to be known as “wonging it”. Wong developed this blackjack technique in the 1980’s. Card counters are able to relatively accurately predict when a good hand will come up and when a series of bad hands will also come up.

To prevent playing a number of bad hands, Wong would play at a blackjack table that was doing well and when bad hands were predicted to arise, he would move to another more advantageous table, thus benefitting from counting without having to play through the losing hands.

A variation of wonging it is when a player will stand at a table and simply watch the hands unfold. When the time is right, he or she will place his/her bets and start playing until the count becomes unfavorable and then will leave the table in search of another table.

As a result of this, some blackjack tables have signs saying “No Mid-Shoe Entry” to discourage this type of behavior. “No Mid-Shoe Entry” just means that players cannot enter the game when the round of blackjack has already begun.

Thomas Johnson